The Strickland

About Jeff and Glenda
Pastors Jeff and Glenda have served the body of Christ in several different positions over the past 27 years, with 18 being here at Journey and the lead pastors since 2011. Pastor Jeff holds a BA in Music and a MA in Theology from Southwestern Assemblies of God University. Mrs. Glenda serves as the Office Manager and helps keep the staff in line.
Jeff and Glenda were high school sweethearts, have been married for 26 years, and have four children, Moriah and her husband KC, Noah, and Josiah. They enjoy having fun, specialty coffee, traveling and spending time with friends and family.
Fun facts about Pastor Jeff
Tell us about your family: I have an amazing wife, Glenda, 3 kids, 1 son-in-law, and a grandson.
When and where did you get saved? Ft Worth. I came back to Christ in 1993.
What is your regular order at a Coffee shop? Black coffee (single origin).
Who are the people that inspire you? Thinkers! Passionate people who love people.
Do you have any weird quirks? I’m a little awkward in small groups.
What is your least favorite thing to do? Details. I hate to get into the weeds!
Hidden Talent? I can hear rhythms in almost anything.
What makes you laugh? Life. I love to laugh and spend time with people who love life.
What is your biggest fear? Failing and looking bad.
Favorite Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-9, Prov 25:2
Favorite Sports: Football and baseball
Favorite Music/Band/Singers: Jazz, classical, metal (eclectic, huh?).
Favorite Books: Barbarian Way, Chase the Lion, Mariano Rivera Bio.
Favorite Movies/TV Shows: Star Wars, Tombstone, West Wing.
Dream vacation: Mediterranean cruise.